Friday, March 26, 2010

Crisp Meadows

Crisp meadows
The crisp meadows ignore the summer sun. trees drape over the view of the lake. beautiful orange rays glisten through the leaves of the trees and the waves of the clear blue water. The birds whistle through the breeze as it carries them by, and here I stand alone in the middle of such wonders. There is a boat, an old two-seater boat in real need of a new paint job. As I stand the breeze welcomes me with its sweet flavors and aromas. I shall stay at least as long as it takes for me to find out what happened. I can vividly remember being here some time ago. Something that shades my mind even on the coldest days. I just dont know where this is or how I got here. I just walked in or maybe Im dreaming, but how have I been here before. The vines climb up the cliffs hovering over the lake so high it nearly blocks the deep blue background of my surroundings. Bright crimson flowers and lily pads. That boat, why is it here? I shall try it out for myself. The lake is even more graceful out on the water. The water is warm by the sun. There are so many fish about me. What is this? a picture? a young girl is lost. The sun is beginning to set behind the tumbling cliffs. bright orange and pink shoots on the boats rim and the waters gentle breaks. as the cliff lights up I can see so much more, the name of the boat "Justice" and I am sinking. There are dark grey clouds rolling toward me I must swim out to shore and find shelter before it rains. I wont leave this an empty void in my mind. all is left for silhouetteand the fish begin to eat. The moon is full and peaking through the clouds and the stars are by the billions. I can see a cabin ahead. I never caught sight of this before. It is so cozy and welcoming and the lights are on someone must live there. as I approach the cabin the flowers are at an extremely odd bloom. Everything is brightened with huge roses and tulips tall grass and daiseys. Wind chimes ring and whistle in the wind. theres that boat, justice by the cabin. How can it be here when it was just sinking in the lake beneath me? There are bars on the windows and deadbolts on the doors. Its raining now, when I reach to knock on the door it creeks open with the lock hanging from the knob anticipating my entrance. It is so alive and clean in here and still i feel familiar to it all. I walk down the hall, "hello? is anybody here? " I spot a door that has been shunned from the rest of the house, boarded up and locked by its dead and dark appearance. My curiosity can no longer wait. I bust the door down with a kitchen chair, and the walls crumble down, dust is blown everywhere. the lights go out to the whole house but one lamp in the dark shadows of this room. It is a child's room, I hear a tune coming from the radio I recognize the melody instantly, a music box i twined as a child. I remember the song but where is it from? why does it hurt so bad to hear it. I quickly shut it off, unplug it, but it still plays. What are all these ashes here for? something bad has happened. once I pulled the plug to that nerve racking tune my world fell upon me. with a big rumble the walls began to fall and I slid under the bed, my bed. The dust made an uproar as it engulfed the room. I began to lose conscientiousness within the lack of gasping oxygen. when I woke up I remembered everything. that was my life, my home, my tune, and whenI gave it up I lost it forever.