Monday, April 18, 2011


Its the one unalienable right we are born with that actually works without a survival guide. Its the one thing we have that we never really pay any attention to and yet without it wed have nothing to show for our yesterdays. Its the way washed up shells along the beach can remind me of when I was a child searching for the shiniest one barefoot and no other concerns. The way fall leaves collecting in piles and the first cold night of the year can make you want to cozy up to some hot cocoa and scary movies. Or how the smell of fresh swamp cooler pads can bring you back to the days when you would shove your body parts into the air tunnels for relieve from those hot summer days. How the smell of ocean or the touch of the hot sand between your toes can bring you back to Maui where the sun melted away your troubles. Its the way that no matter how lost you may become you always find yourself back at home. Its the one thing you have left of something that will never return, like how the smell of your aunts perfume makes you feel like shes right by your side. That comfort brought by our memory, and still we take little notice. Its the way that no matter how many hugs you get from your grandmother each and every one is as sweet as the first. Its how nail polish can remind you of growing up with your sisters. How the feel of a river rock can bring you back to old lake trips and all the attempts made trying to skip them. The fresh garden smell of spring can remind you of hunting for Caterpillars and Rolly-pollies as a child.
Nothing is more vital to our senses than what we do routinely everyday. Its the events done out of routine that we remember best. Everything around us makes us that much more vulnerable to forget. We become so accustom to our everyday lives we just begin to expect that everyday will be the same. We make mistakes, we were meant to. Trial and error is all we have to push us to knock on the next door. No matter how long it may take to open. As long as we all know the world for something good in our lives we wont forget whats really important. Not giving up. Our memories give us guidance for whats next to come, hope that things will change. The comfort gives us the confidence to move on. A comfort we learn to trust over time. Only when there is visible danger do we turn the other way, that is if we never had a memory to learn by. Never doubt your intuition because even if you don't understand it, its real. There is a reason for everything and in the end it can all affect your life. Because with each new day brings in new standards within the road we travel and most often time without any warning the little things in life we take for granted are gone. And then the only comfort you can feel is the memory of what is no longer there. The memory that could've saved what is now lost. And you left to knock on the next door, the next chance. And hope you will learn from trial and error. but you wont, because we are all idiots. We repeatedly gain trust that things will just be the way we want and we forget the simple things that help us along.

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