Monday, April 18, 2011

We are ignorant from time to time.

As time ages on as would a bittersweet wine, I too will look over my should at the past and still not know what lays ahead of me. All that life will ever grant us is the hope for something more and the slight spark of potential that we may or may never see. To twine ourselves within the sweet blossoming gardens and flourish but with nothing to show except our love and our enduring gifts, we shall hold so close. Looking back we see the world as deaf would hear a beautiful orchestra. We have learned the tune by heart and yet quiet still we may never hear it.And as those few unfortunate stay waiting to hear the first beat others will have learned to play the instruments. No one is born with the wisdom to know where to find everything you need in life. All we have is the love. And when we hurt and our hearts ache we lay vulnerable and the love fades just as the music begins to mute. We must learn to move on in times of struggle because whats next to come may be greater than what we grieve upon. And next time we find something worth holding close, our hearts will learn to appreciate that much more. Bringing together the bits of life that once felt so lost. And one day life will be simple again, because one day I would hope all that is worth keeping will learn to love again. Even when we may be deaf to hear them or blind to see them we know them by heart and they still near, waiting for us to open our eyes once more.

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