Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Shadows in the City

I found my feet standing once more in this obscure city. Left here as to be placed into an unknown world, alone. Soaked by the rain I tread down the sidewalks. My coat dripping and my heels sunk deep into the puddles. I look out to the luminescent moon as the effort to find guidance becomes more and more desperate. I am to find nothing but the beauty of the night sky. I stroll pass the cafe's and other buildings that tower over me. I glance over to an old woman with a cat. She is sitting at a bus stop, and I stop to ask her where I may find a hotel for the night. She hands me a needle and thread and tells me to sew one. Assuming she had a little to much to drink I continue searching. About half a block further I realize Her cat had jumped out of her arms and begun to follow me. I had to take the cat back to her owner, so I paced back to the buss stop taunting the cat with here kitty kitty follow me. But the old lady was gone. I picked up the cat and took the next bus home. I began to hear voices screeching out I'm not to leave the city or I will die. Threatened and unsure of my sanity I sat pale white wide-eyed and confused. The cat jumped out of the window in such a terrified manner as if to have heard the voice itself. Suicidal kitty goes squash in oncoming traffic. I suddenly began noticing an advance in my aging with each block passing. The windows took my reflection with more grey hair and wrinkles. Like a curse I grew years within minutes. All I hear is voices screaming get off the bus. Needless to say I got off at the next stop. I sat under the shade of the bus stop cold and alone. The rain is still pouring and I'm curious where that old woman had gone. Looking out at passing cars My eyes were soon drawn to a shadowed figure walking slowly between the fast cars and lights of the city. He approaches only for his own intentions. He hands me a cat. And as to provoke complete confusion of the situation upon me, he does not speak. Whatever maybe possessing me is manipulating me not to know of its kind. How can anybody have the audacity to do what they know they are not so permitted. Like a leash on a dog, you are tangled in your own fear and panic of being stuck where you are forever. Tangled up so terrified so anxious as if to run out and choke yourself with your own caller. What shall I name this rebirth of the old lady's cat so mysteriously given to me so meticulously placed as premeditated as murder. Phantom kitty. And with each step this shadowed man took away from me he brought back my youth. I was myself again sitting at a bus stop in this obscure city. Weightlessness i felt as the curse let me back on my feet. As if to say that valiant figured man had cured me. I felt aroused by the simplicity of self confidence. As the next bus pulls forth the door slides open and the breaks release pressure hissing a strong wind. Just then I heard a taunting here kitty kitty, come here baby... and the cat jumped off my lap so quick and harsh scratching my chest to bleed. I looked over and took glance of an old woman. The one and only Old woman I set her needle and thread on the bench behind me and get on the bus out of town. Home welcomes me, but it does not recognize who I am. So old and grey.

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