Sunday, December 13, 2009

The Romance of abduction

Man has always been very lonely. Pierced behind his unsightly face and entwined between the real world and what he sees biased. Like being encased inside this world he may never touch. A glass ball he stands in, always looking out. He walks like nothing surrounds him, he feels inhuman. Man feels stray from common society he feels like he operates instead living day to day. The fact that he feels no purpose for his life is perfectly safe until he realizes it himself. His confined living habits and the undeserving people around him creates a monster. Vindictive to his own fear he feels himself accepted by such merciless feat. He is wanted once more, and he'll do whatever he must to keep his so thought loved ones. A woman is also trapped within the same confinement of the “mortal” world. She does not realize how alone she is, and how barren the world may treat her. Unlike the man, she is ignorant to her surroundings. From a distance he watches her and follows her throughout her day. He is amused by her oblivious sense of purpose. This urges his temptation of forcing her to see things his way. Man steals her from her rival town, makes her tend to his wishes in promise to keep her safe from all harm. Woman struggles to understand at first, but then finds herself falling harder for the man she knows will do anything he can to keep her. She has never known such a bond so strong as her and her stalker. He demands she quit her job and stop talking to her family. Within months she is disconnected from the outer world she used to call home. This is acceptable for her, she sees more now than she ever has. She is in love with this man. He demands her to take off her clothes in the room of a steaming shower. He walks up to her flawless natural body and gracefully presses his against her, holding her tightly as if to comfort her after a traumatic event. He gently wraps his arms around her naked body and maneuvers her into a more relaxed position. He lays beside her and gently runs his fingers through her long hair and neither of them say one word to each other all night. They sleep on the floor in the bathroom and she never felt more comfortable. She wakes up, he is making her pancakes for breakfast this excites her because he is the first person to do so. A man that watched this woman everyday to conjure his thoughts of releasing her from conformity. His purpose seemingly to harm and be feared and hated. The materials of any good society need paranoia, and fear. He fights his purpose so he can love and hold someone in his arms each night. He'll do anything to make her want it. She drags her fingers across his back and he pulls her hair back to kiss her. They press their naked bodies onto each other so hot and smooth. He says he loves her and she must never betray him. They make sweat love again and again. He makes a deal tonight. Will she be willing to give her life to be his companion? Will she loose her mortality to birth man? She agrees to anything for the man that showed her the way. They sit by an open fire and he bundles a blanket around her flesh showing body. They rest until the morning.

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