Sunday, December 13, 2009

We Will Stand

In all tranquil state I am only a robot. I operate on movement but I feel as though I'm stone. People pass me quickly as though everyone is alone. As though hearing an unknown language, I only hear them mumble. Like time is confused to stop or go I hear the static of the awkward tensions. Im running on auto-pilot tired and alone. I have no voice only air escapes my soul except that of the voice I speak with my pen. My ink so void and my writings all just in my head. My fingers numb from the cold, touch the keys of this piano so soft. The elegant sound is eager to profess its power. The tunes of the keys play off these walls as if to silence the rest of the world and all is white and endless. My hands like spiders crawl along this instrument of releasing power. What are we to do left here with nothing but tools we know not how to use. If we cannot learn, these simple mechanics will wither and rust. Like a movement we will stand. Whatever it is our lives are set to do we will not know until we discover. So we walk, like robots tired and alone. Rain washes the leaves away and brings the rust to our motivation. This room of white hears the rain patter on the ceiling and water drips from the rain gutters by the window. Rain drops have powers too. They have the power to dissolve to be needed wherever they go. Air or water they have purpose. Each drop withholding itself from opening new doors because it gets tired of the struggle to spread out and they come to a stop and dry out. Raindrops, like spirits are free to cross any path in front of them. They love like humans, on land to be needed, and leave only until they are needed again. But they do not get to chose their destination or time of presence they may only wait and when their time comes they are told to go away. Because no one likes muddy boots and change is hard to deal with. So we walk like robots, quiet and alone where we are going nobody knows. Wet and cold, the wind blows. And we keep going. To coast in a glass bubble and watch the world pass beyond you is just to easy. Everybody is looking for the easy way out but no one is walking any faster because they need the struggle to find meaning. Listen to what you believe in and tune out everything else. Simple happiness is the most rewarding but be careful with it. When your hands grasp it close to feel its touch it disintegrates and turns to dust. Black forms around your hands. And when you try to catch the pieces it all slips through your fingers and you may do nothing but watch it blow away. All you can do when all is left behind is wait and enjoy every opportunity at hand for as long as you can without letting go. Like a movement we will stand, like robots tired and alone. In awkward tensions of the rain. Cold, we keep going. Like raindrops our happiness will wait and when their time comes they will be forced to go away.

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