Sunday, December 13, 2009

An Open Door

An open door
The sun glistens off her face, her eyes look out, so unguarded you may see inside her every thought. What will become of this she asks as you read into her. Who am I? She sits looking down at her reflection in the swimming pool. A leaf floats alone her eyes as if to cover them. One day my reflection will stop hiding from me, she thought and brushed her fingers through the water making it become more and more difficult to make out who it is looking back at her in the swimming pool. Maybe we will meet and conjoin within each other so prime to which we hold. Like a flower that took years to bloom. And what it is this I hear? the splashing water beneath me unfolds back into the reflection I refuse to see once more. She looks up, a door stands outside the house, an awkward statement of misunderstood events. Why ever would there be such a thing in the middle of the garden of which to catch my curiosity. A trap in that I fall closer and closer, I walk towards this door. She stumbles about barefoot and seemingly blind to which she steps into. She opens the door and her face reads itself out loud. But the water is to deep, how ever will I cross this to the other side? Will I ever know what is beyond the water holding me back? She goes to close the door and
notices a note upon the peek hole just look inside through this, it tells her. You will see whatever you believe is on the other side just look for yourself. The girl gets on her toes and peeps one eye through the hole, but she backs up scared and very sad. She sees nothing but black empty space, as to be blindfolded permanently from her own wonders. She picks a flower from the garden and sits by that door picking off the petals. After a long nap with the breeze in her hair she awakes. One more petal rests on the flowers stem. She plucks it off and sees that it has become a key. But to what?, she thinks. The door has no lock upon it? So what will I need a key for? She stands up slowly with the pretension of a wiser being. There is yet another note on the door, open me it tells her, but know no other door behind me goes unlocked. She stands for a moment and takes one last glance at the world around her. One day my reflection will stop hiding from me, maybe I will meet myself in this journey behind the door. She opens the door without taking one step. Water tall and full, its waves crash vertical and this woman comes forward from the water. The same woman she saw in the swimming pool that morning. She reaches her arm out towards the girl standing strong outside of the door, the sun steaming her arm into ash. Take this and go, she pushes the girl into the flowers and shuts the door. Why? The girl screams at the door, I was so close, I don't understand. The girl sits there with her velvet wrapped gift in the garden and waits expecting a note on the door. And nothing. She stares down at the shinning silver key in her hand. And rests her head in a bed of lilies. Watching the clouds roll by. I wonder what is inside this velvet gift. So important as to be the one thing that woman handed to me in her short time. The girl sits and unravels the string tied close to the package. And when the velvet falls a locket in a box with a note she sees. The note reads, I cannot cross the door and leave without the key to the other exit, I hope that one day we will meet, but until then open this locket and speak to me. The girl holds the locket in the palm of her hand and tries to open it, anxious to hear the woman once more, but it is locked. A small keyhole lays on the back of this heart shaped necklace. Can it be the lock to this key? She asks. And quickly tries to fit it through the keyhole. No such luck will she have for the key is far to big. She puts the key in her pocket and the locket around her neck. Gets up hopeful to see something through the peek hole her second try. She sees the most beautiful sight she could ever imagine. A bright purple blossoms tree stands tall with a swing beneath it. Kids are laughing and the sky is the brightest of blues. The sun shines down and birds chirp circling each other in the breeze so soft she can almost smell its sweet aroma. She is so happy she comes down off of her toes and opens the door, but again only sees black open space. So she slams the door and runs barefoot still out of the garden. She puts her feet into the pool and looks down to see the locket has grown and the woman she once saw in the pool is different. She thinks for a moment and tries the key once more. The locket opens into two mirrors inside and she is submerged into the swimming pool scared of her life. Swallowing water and scattering about in a pointless struggle to get out. She sinks to the bottom, where a woman walks along towards her. You have unlocked your heart, she says, will you give me the key, so I can escape? I will pull you out from the other side. The girl gives the woman the key and she disappears. Look for who you are within yourself alone, she hears a voice from the distance and the girl is left in dark empty space to think. And suddenly the dark nothingness is transforming piece by piece into the world she envisioned through the peek hole. The bright blossomed tree and birds were developing around her. And then a bright light emerged and a door opened. She runs towards it closer and closer as if to imagine it the woman coming back for her. She sees the woman looking around. And the girl screams to get herself out, banging of the glass walls holding her back but the woman sees nothing hears nothing and slams the door disappointed. The woman only sees black empty space. The door has darkened too on the girls side but the light shining through the keyhole, if only she had the key to opening it, she thought. The girl opens her locket but cannot see her reflection in the mirrors. She finds it strange enough and still she attempts to communicate. Open the door and reach in for me, she says to the necklace, please see me for who I am, and find yourself. She sits in this garden she imagines as the most beautiful place to be, alone. Picking flowers and laying down helpless. Starring up at the clouds soaring above her. Then a bright light shines towards her the door has opened once more and with the woman standing there on the other side lost. The girl had no other choice, she climbs out slowly through the keyhole. The glass begins to crack and she gets shoved out by raging water over her. She catches the woman in her arms and she is absorbed into her body. She awakes after a long nap in the garden. Soaked by the puddles around her. And a handful of flowers from beyond the door in her hand she stands naked and alone. But not so alone after all. She plants the flowers and shuts the door. She walks barefoot in the garden contempt with herself once more. She finds the key and locks the door.

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