Sunday, December 13, 2009

Into The Horizon

Into the horizon
I was standing on the shore in glance at the sun falling under the horizon. such in stare that nothing else around me felt real. the wind the sand even the birds flying above me all by machines, all fake except this big orange sun falling under the horizon. Dolphins jumping in and out at me. I am sitting in the sand, pacified by the wonders in front of me and all is quiet but what I hear. I am alone to humans, alone to humanity I am not. I am free to let my hair blow in the wind, oh the fresh tasting ocean breeze against my face and my feet in this wet sand I sit here and stare. Nothing else is thought of, nothing else was possible, nothing seemed to exist amongst me except that of this sun sinking into the ocean. and just as I hit tranquility I too seemed to disappear with my surroundings. Just as the sun vanished for the night to come, I too seemingly sunk into the ocean as I lay down. And then I was somehow transported into new lands so unknown, unconnected to wherever I came from all was forgotten for the moment I stayed in this world unknown. and I lay so small and insignificant. Then a man a stranger reached out his hand to pick me up and show me around. There were flowers sky high and birds in the trees. Life is so simple without hunger or sleeplessness. I was getting a chance at new life and so I lived here in this world unknown with this man who had never spoke of his name for years. building a house on a hill surrounded by flowers. but as I stepped through the front door of this house, the unknown world all but vanished. As I lay here in the sand I blink my eyes open again. people surround me in amazement. the Man stands beside me he hands me flowers and says Im glad you made it, lets go home.

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