Sunday, December 13, 2009

Love Endures All Things

An abandoned home I familiarize to my childhood alone where did everyone go? I walk and the road turns to dust and the tide rolls in to swallow everything. Like a tornado the ocean comes I grab hold of a tree but I am pulled away. I can see the harsh waves crashing vigorously and strong. I see nobody only birds naive to the world outside of their own. Diving so close to the surface of what engulfs my body. I do not sink but I cannot come above. Clouds roll black and Grey and lightning guides me, though I struggle, cold and lost. Where has this world taken me too and what will be of this strangling fear. Will I drown being swallowed whole by each wave casting a shadow on my body. And when will the sky clear? I search for you out here and nothing. If you are everywhere why cant you see me now? A boat I see can it really be? Or is it an illusion a trap to waste all surviving hope? And the current pulls. I drift near this boat of splinters and weak bonds a man sits with two paddles. He reaches out to me and he is much further than I thought. I swim being tossed back further away with each coming wave crashing on me. A rope he throws out, and I grab hold tightly. He pulls me under the waves and into his boat. Can you help me hold the holes in my boat, Ill take you to shore and we will be safe. He said to me. I quickly put my fingers in the gaps and held him close, happy I cry and the boat begins to fill, no you must not cry, for this moment is ours for now and I promise is ours forever. We coast above the rocky tide pulling us roughly, wind tears holes in our sail. We have nothing to direct us but we guide each other still. Lightning strikes our paddles we have nothing to control our speed, fast our slow we keep going to what the current wants. I lean over to his chest and rest my head upon his shoulder. And all is quiet except the sound of his heart beat. “where the current takes you I hope is grand, Ill be there waiting to hold your hand, he sings to me, “but do not fear for now I must leave dont shed a tear just believe” a huge wave crashes on the boat startled I awake abruptly. Our boat is spread out in pieces throughout the sea and I am alone again, where are you? I scream out I dive under to look for you and all I see is the coral and seaweed blowing under the surface. Scared in panic I spin around searching for you and I find no sign of anyone but the birds naive to the world. If I could be a bird to coast over the swallowing pain of the ocean and look out for you I would feel your safe embrace once more and be guided my the memory of your gentle heart beat. what is this? A rope, I grab hold and begin to feel the gentle tug of your strength pulling me through and I call out to you again, where are you. An still nothing. I cry and I begin to abandon all hope, barefoot and stripped of every smile life ever gave to me all I have left is this rope, and the gentle tug of which I don't know where it is taking me. I coast and all is quiet but the sound of the thunder rolling past my body and my hair blowing in the wind heavy by the water and cold by the breeze I hold on. Suddenly I am tangled by my foot in the seaweed that once made me believe you were close still. I am strangled so tight by this plant condemning me to struggle so much harder, I begin to slip the rope. My body being pulled between to separate currents stretched weak, and helpless I am left to fight. If you are everywhere why don't you see me, pull me out and take me away. Teach me to fly like the birds and make me never go back. Why are you leaving me alone to battle this inner struggle. Waves crash harder and harder and rocks tumble down on my still body picked up by the waves and thrown at me, making me hurt and making me tired. I reach out as hard as I can towards the rope only having one more existing grasp upon it the seaweed is overcoming the ropes power and I begin to forget anything you ever were, and all is lost. The rope snaps from my fingers and I'm pulled deeper and deeper under the water by the seaweed. And then I hear a voice in my head. No one can make me fly away and never return but they can give me the strength to make it through all endurances. I turn to the seaweed and pull my leg loose from its strong hold on me and swim as fast as I can towards the other direction, against the current and racing time I push forward, cold but not alone. Swimming harder and harder faster and stronger I realize I am not alone and find the rope once more. I wash up on shore. Barefoot I get up and walk dazed by the dark cloudy night. I walk and look out for you and all I find is a boat. Can it really be? Or is this a trap to waste all surviving hope. I run out towards this boat and inside I find you resting, I walk away to find you flowers to rest on your body and awake you. A rope in your hand I smile, this moment is ours forever, you smile back and reach your arms out to me. The clouds begin to blow away and the rain stops washing my tears. The moon shows and the stars are so bright. The stars once shy to our presence now very proud and comforting. I rest my head on your shoulder and listen to your heartbeat and you sing to me once more as you brush your fingers through my hair. Wherever the current takes you I hope is grand, Ill be there waiting to hold your hand, he sings to me, never crave to be a bird, for birds are to naive I will always love you just be in this moment and never leave. Invisible to the naked eye, conformity has never been so simple. Only when it is touched by the hand of its partner will it awaken and reveal itself. The one who will bring out everything nobody knows. Just to stop them from denying its existence. To pretend as something shy so small it will hide itself until that day someone will notice. It is not by my fear that I love you, its because you bring out the best in me and make me find the strength to carry on. I am sorry it took me this long to see you standing in front of me. I feel as though you have been here my entire life but I never saw you in the picture. I am prepared to go through all endurances to hold your hand through it all. For this moment is ours for now, and I promise is ours forever.

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